Friday, May 30, 2008

Baby Pictures

We are flying out of Hanoi and headed home tomorrow, Saturday. We had our US Embassy Appointment this morning and everything looked good and so we went to change our plane tickets and sight see for the afternoon. For those of you traveling behind us you will experience how things are really different in the South compared to the North. Landscape being one, but all that wonderful fresh fruit is really only easily available in the South so eat up it is soooo good!

Marcia and Angela, I spent some time tonight sending you each emails with attached pictures of your children and for some reason I cannot send them :( So I have saved them and will try again once I am home. But, Angela since you asked I will upload two of my favorite pictures of your little guy now. (I wasn't sure if you wanted me to post them or not so I hadn't)

Love to you all and we 3 shall see you soon!